Welcome New Faculty!
Teachers left to right First Row: Mr. Aung-Myint, Mrs. Dwyre, Mrs. Stohner, Ms. Thornton, Mr. Mock Second Row: Mrs. Krause, Ms. Hastings, Mr. Newberry, Mrs. Vela, Mrs. Lobello Third Row: Mr. Pehl, Mrs. Dees, Mrs. Vasquez, Mr. Nash, Mr. Ronemous Fourth Row: Mr. Younts, Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Wegleitner, Mrs. Smith, Ms. Thompson
Charger Ink. would like to welcome all of the newest members of the Champion High School faculty and recognize the dedication of all faculty to keeping our community educated and healthy.
Each teacher and staff member who newly joined the Charger Faculty for the 2020-2021 school year are introduced below.
Nigel Aung-Myint: “Mr. A” teaches Algebra 1 & 2, and his favorite TV show is Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Sara Dwyre: Mrs. Dwyre teaches health science, and her all-time favorite TV show is Friends.
Michelle Hastings: Mrs. Hastings teaches AP Psychology and World History this year, and her favorite show during the COVID quarantine wasThe Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
Jessica Krause: Mrs. Krause teaches Family and Consumer Sciences, and her favorite TV show right now is Yellowstone.
Jeff Mock: Mr. Mock moved from Northside ISD, and his favorite TV show is Parks and Rec which he has watched through twice.
Martin Nash: Mr. Nash is a Career and Technical Education teacher, and his favorite TV show is The Office.
Scott Newberry: Mr. Newberry is one of our AFJROTC directors, and has a favorite TV show of The Simpsons.
Matthew Pehl: Mr. Pehl is one of our new band directors, teaching marching band, jazz ensemble and applied music.
Meagan Ramsey: Mrs. Ramsey teaches Drawing 1 & Art 1 and she “loves all of the veterinary shows,” especially Dr. Poll.
Chris Ronemous: Mr. Ronemous is a military veteran who is teaching chemistry this year.
Rebecca Smith: Mrs. Smith teaches Algebra 1, and while she had a “real struggle picking just one”, her favorite is New Girl.
Farrah Stohner: Mrs. Stohner teaches automotives, and likes TV shows that “have anything to do with cars or music”.
Tori Thornton: Ms. Thornton is teaching animal science this year, including equine, small animal, vet med, and livestock.
Araceli Vasquez: Mrs. Vasquez teaches Spanish 1 & 2 this year, and while she finds it “difficult to name just one”, her favorite show is Criminal Minds.
Nadia Vela: Ms. Vela teaches English 2 & 3 and her favorite TV show is Grey’s Anatomy, which she has been watching since it first aired in March of 2005.
Tracy Wegeleitner: Mrs. Wegeleitner teaches World History, and her favorite TV show is The Goldbergs.
Jason Younts: Mr. Younts is one of our new band directors, and his favorite TV show is The Office.
Sarah Dees: Mrs. Dees is one of our counselors this year, and covers Haw-Mc.
Christie Lobello: Ms. Lobello is one of our new counselors and her favorite TV show is Evil or Prodigal Son, but she also likes Yellowstone.
Kim Thompson: Ms. Thompson is another one of our new counselors who will be covering Sam-Z.

Hi, I'm Jocelyn Kovach and an Editor-In-Cheif for the Champion High School newspaper! I am in my senior year and this will be my third year in the Charger...

Hey, my name is Kierston Robicheaux. I'm a junior this year at Champion High School and the main photographer in the Charger Ink. newspaper. I love to...