Powder Puff…. or Power Puff?
Flipping the Sports Script with the Annual Powderpuff Game
Members of the senior powder puff team smiling on the sidelines and showing off their spirit wear.
On Wednesday, May 18, the annual Powder Puff football game took place at the Champion High School football field. The game was played by two teams: one composed of the junior class, and the of the senior class. The point of this game is to gender swap the typical roles of football, with the girls as the players and the boys as coaches and cheerleaders. Since this event was fully student led, everything was completely up to the students for every aspect of the game; they even created their own trick plays, and taught each other the rules and how to play.
“Me and Cannon contributed to the plays and just making sure everyone understood their responsibilities to the plays,” said junior Evan Bates, who served as one of the ‘coaches’ of the junior team. “It’s a different point of view to what different plays we have to do with them, so it’s very interesting.”
The students practiced for several weeks to prepare for the game, including practicing plays and testing the different positions. Practices consisted of each team running drills and learning the different aspects of the game, since many of the members had never played football before.
“The first [practice] was chaotic, but now they are organized and we do our drills and we get everything we need to do over with,” said junior player Addison Hankins.
Both of the teams had a strong feeling they were going to put up a good fight against the other group during the game, especially the coaches.
“We are definitely going to put up a good fight against them, and it’s definitely going to be fun to watch,” said Bates.
At the end of the game, the juniors pulled out the win with a score of six to nothing. The game was neck to neck until the juniors managed to score a touchdown on the seniors. After that, the seniors weren’t able to pull through, and the juniors came out with the victory. Because of their well-planned practices, coaching plans, and teamwork, the juniors came out on top.
“We all work well with our coaches, as a team offense goes with offense, defense goes with defense and then we come together,” said Hankins.

My name is Lillian Stewart and I am a Sophomore. I have been on the varsity Champion Charms for two years and I also participate in Champion Theatre. This...