Rise and Shine: Tuesday’s Senior Sunrise
Seniors Maddie Calder and Grace Tidwell pose in front of a sunrise. Photo by senior Laura Tidwell, who is not a ChargerInk. staff member.
On Tuesday, the Student Council will be hosting a Senior Sunrise at 7 a.m. Students will gather to watch the sunrise while enjoying a complimentary breakfast. This year’s occasion will vary slightly from previous years — the sunrise viewing is in September instead of May, and a Senior Sunset will be added to the end of the year.
“Senior sunrise has been a tradition at most high schools for years,” said Margaret Butler, president of Student Council. “The senior class gathers before the sun rises at the beginning of the school year, as if the sun ‘rises‘ on their senior year. Then, at the end of the year, the seniors gather to watch the sunset, as the sun ‘sets‘ on their senior year.”
This breakfast was pushed back multiple times due to coordination issues, much to the dismay of some students.
“There was some miscommunication, but it was nobody’s fault and it worked out in the end,” said Butler.
StuCo plans to give the Class of 2023 a morning to remember.
“I’m excited to hang out with my friends and have breakfast,” said senior Hailey Stoner. Senior Maddie Calder agreed, and added that “there better be good food.”
During the 2020-2021 school year, Student Council wanted to return a sense of normalcy after the pandemic, and decided to start a new senior tradition. Now, the event — three years in the making — aims to create a morning of peace and community amid the turbulence of high school.
“A fun little event to get seniors together for a last hooray, senior sunrise and sunset will be a tradition for many years to come,” said Butler.

Good afternoon, my name is Russell. I am a new reporter for Charger Ink, the school newspaper. Are you in need of any assistance today? I could help with...
hien • Sep 19, 2022 at 4:55 pm
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