Frisbee, Fashion, Philosophy, Oh My!

The Hidden Gems on Charger Boulevard

Annabelle Behrhorst signs up the fashion club during the school’s annual club fair.

In a school of nearly two thousand students, it’s no surprise that some of the activities on campus go unnoticed; however, these somewhat-obscure groups and clubs are more than meets the eye. Through fashion, frisbee golf, community contributions and more, Chargers are making the most of their high school experience by creating spaces for those with similar interests. Here are a few:

Fashion Club

Fashion club president Lily Simmons advertising her organization at the club fair. Students had the chance to learn about and sign up for the club, as well as get a chance to see what they do. (Lily Simmons)

This fashion-forward crowd does everything. Led by president Lily Simmons and sponsor Coach Denise Stripling, they meet once a month to design outfits, critique the Met Gala, upcycle clothing and work on other projects. However, for many members, the club is about more than just clothing; it’s about finding people who share a passion.
“I’ve met a lot of people that I never would have in classes. It’s a way to bring together people with similar interests that you wouldn’t normally know,” said Simmons. “I try to make it the most welcoming environment because I feel like people need that in high school. I think we need a place that we can feel valued and listened to.”
Interested? Find them at @championfashionclub on Instagram, or stop by Coach Stripling’s room (B156).


Champions for Change

(L to R) Nurse Moreno, junior Regan Alt, and junior Lily Fresher selling Gold Out t-shirts for Champions for Change. (Amy Steward)

Founded two years ago, this club has jumped from just five members in the 2020-2021 school year to two dozen. Students may not recognize this club’s name, but they’ve witnessed their actions. Champions for Change is the group responsible for handing out free cookies to SAT takers; Boerne Boo, a trunk-or-treat fundraising event; selling hot beverages the mornings of finals week; and Gold Out, the campaign to raise money for childhood cancer. Every month or two, Champions for Change takes on a new service project focused on mental health, cancer awareness, bullying, or other issues centered around high schoolers and Boerne as a whole.
“I’ve loved being able to give back to the Boerne community while meeting great people,” said senior Tiare Paquet, who serves as the club’s treasurer. “My favorite thing we’ve been able to do is the Boerne Boo. It was super fun to talk to lots of new people and hand out candy to little kids.”
Interested? Check them out at @champs.for.change on Instagram, or stop by Nurse Moreno or Mrs. Steward’s rooms (the nurse’s office and B221).

Disc Golf Club

Some of the seniors of the club pose with their frisbees after a long day of disc golf. (The Disc Golf Club on Instagram)

The park in Deer Meadows is overrun once a month by dozens of frisbee-sporting teenagers, all there for one thing: disc golf. This club doesn’t compete — they just get together and play disc golf. Coach Tate is listed as sponsor, but it is managed and supported entirely by a board of students.
“Obviously, we play disc golf, but I would say it’s more,” said senior Jack Weltens, one of the board members. “It’s easy to pick up, easy for everybody to do, and it’s great for messing around, having a good time and hanging out with friends. Honestly, that’s what the club was built for.”
Interested? Check them out at @championdiscgolf on Instagram or stop by Coach Tate’s room (A217).

Philosophy Club

Leo Petriu  presents to the rest of the Philosophy Club. (Amy Steward)

Technically, it’s our school’s second Philosophy Club; the first club was made entirely of seniors and disappeared after a single year. Some speech and debate students brought it back from the dead, making Philosophy Club the newest addition to our school’s club roster. Their first-ever meeting was held this year on Monday, February 7.
“Students will end up presenting topics and having discussion over a variety of issues that interest them,” said sponsor Mr. Brett Moseley, who holds a graduate degree in philosophy. “Philosophy is also a lot of fun since most of the disciplines examine very simple but vexing problems, like ‘What kinds of things exist?’ or ‘How do we know that the grass is green?’”
Interested? Stop by Mr. Moseley’s room any time (B170).

CHIP – Champion Improv

Some of last year’s CHIP members during an improv exercise. This was one of CHIP’s performances where they played improv games for an audience, in the style of “Whose Line is it Anyway?” (Champion Theater Instagram)

A student-led improv troupe is on the more-unique side of Champion’s hidden gems. With performances similar to an episode of Whose Line is it Anyway?, this group of theatre devotees plays improv games for audiences. Champion High Improv Performance, more affectionately known as ‘CHIP,’ is led each year by theater’s vice president.
“Every once in a while we get together and do a couple — we call them games, but, you know, they’re exercises — so that we can improve our improv skills. You can’t really rehearse improv since that defeats the entire purpose,” said sophomore Trent Adamson, a member of CHIP. “After a few months we’ll do a performance for everybody. We use the skills that we’ve learned throughout the practices to do the performance, and hopefully it’s good — sometimes it’s not — but we always try to do our best.”
There are no more performances scheduled for this semester, but check them out next year; performances are every month or two in the blackbox, and are completely free to attend. Interested? Check them out at @championtheatre on Instagram or stop by the theater room any time.