Homework seems to have become troublesome for numerous students at Champion High School, consuming their personal time and giving them unnecessary stress.
Many students claim that they spend several hours on homework every night, even after doing schoolwork all day at school.
“I typically spend around 2-3 hours a night doing homework,” Freshman Lauriana Guillory said.
Having so much homework to do limits Guillory’s time with her family, which she values. Students should be able to have some time to themselves after school, whether that’s to give their mind a break or to allow them to spend valuable time with their families. It is important to have time to spend with their families, and with so much homework being assigned, it can seem impossible to maintain a healthy balance.While getting lost in all the work that needs to be completed, it can seem as if time is slipping away.
“It takes up too much of my life,” Freshman Penny Weldon said.
Instead of homework being a helpful study tool like it was intended to be, it has become more harmful than beneficial. For instance, homework can harm a student’s grades because there is too much to do and not enough time to get it done. Many students have been in the situation where they can’t use homework to study because they don’t have enough time to do it, causing their grades to drop.
“Homework negatively affects my grades because I often can’t get it done in time,” Weldon said.
Not having enough time to complete homework also causes students to sacrifice their sleep in order for their assignments to get done on time. Sleep is very important for a student, and not getting enough sleep can have numerous negative effects.
A study by Oxford Learning proves that homework has many negative effects on a student’s health. “Too much homework can result in lack of sleep, headaches, exhaustion, and weight loss,” a researcher from Stanford University said.
“I usually stay awake until midnight if I have homework to complete,” Weldon said.
The school day is close to 8 hours long, yet students still have to continue working when they get home.
“We should be able to finish our work in the 8 hours we spend at school, not have to spend our valuable time at home to do it,” Guillory said.