The weather in Boerne is heating up once again, and the question that must be answered is, “Will this summer be hotter than the last?” The summer of 2023 consisted of record breaking temperatures and according to NASA, “Earth’s hottest summer since global records began in 1880. The average temperature for months of June, July, and August was 0.41 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than any other summer in their record.”
So what does this mean for Boerne?
The 2023 summer had the fifth highest temperature in the history of Boerne, a record 108 degrees Fahrenheit. This was mainly due to El Niño, a far-reaching climate pattern caused by warm water spreading along the equator in the Pacific Ocean.

“I’m starting to get worried about the heat coming back. If this summer is as hot or worse, more hot than last summer, it’s going to be almost unbearable for my outdoor summer job,” said senior Jacob Roller who frequently mows their lawn and weed-eats for hours on end.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) states that already 40% of the ocean is experiencing a marine heatwave from El Niño, which can temporarily warm the globe by 0.1 degree Celsius. While El Niño begins in June, its effects aren’t typically felt for several months afterward.
“The heat from last summer made it much harder to enjoy. Even going to the beach was pretty rough, to the point where I just wanted to stay under the shade rather than get scorched in the sun,” said senior George Galipolos.
According to, summer in Boerne this year is also expected to have a mix of hot temperatures and precipitation, especially during July. Not only will it be hotter than usual, it will feel much hotter because of the high dew point, which means sweat doesn’t evaporate as much, and the body struggles to cool itself.
“Last summer, I had a job in landscaping, and experienced the intense heat firsthand. We need to start looking out for these outdoor workers who are going to have to work this summer. They are going to need a lot of water and a good amount of breaks in the day,” said senior James “Connor” Cheatam.
If someone were to plan on working outside, going to the beach, or spending any long periods of time outdoors, the main tools that will assist them this summer are going to be sunblock, sunglasses, hats, and most importantly a lot of water.