‘Blue Beetle’ (2023), directed by Angel Manuel Soto, is a fresh start to the DC Universe reboot and introduces a new take on the main character, Jaime Reyes a.k.a. Blue Beetle, played by Xolo Mariduena, well known for his lead role in ‘Cobra Kai.’ The leads also include Bruna Marquezine as Jenny Kord and Goerge Lopez as Rudy Reyes.
The screenwriter, Gareth Dunnet Alcocer, displayed respect and careful thought, which shines through in the unique plot and introduces the origin to the hero known as the Blue Beetle.
‘Blue Beetle’ (2023) is the first Latino-centered DC and superhero film. Manuel Soto is Puerto Rican and wanted to ensure that the roots of this movie had a real foundation focusing on family. The creators of this iteration also took inspiration from the original DC comics where Jaime Reyes first appeared, Infinite Crisis.
The story was enjoyable for both casual fans and long-time enjoyers of the DC Universe as this film was grounded and didn’t feel like it was going to serve as a part of a larger-scale storyline; rather, it seemed the creative team made this to simply enjoy and to give a fresh start to the DC Universe that it so desperately craved.
This film breaks the streak of poor visual effects within the DC movies over the previous years, which was frequently displayed through the films such as The Flash (2023), Shazam!: Fury of The Gods (2023), and Black Adam (2022).
I’m hopeful that we see more of Jaime Reyes and his supporting cast in further installments, as there are many opportunities for the Blue Beetle to return, maybe as an A-list-level hero.
Regardless, I suggest that you see the movie for yourself as it is truly a diamond in the rough. I give ‘Blue Beetle‘ (2023) a solid 8/10 and definitely recommend it.